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How do you find essential jobs opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic? Here's a guide that can help you find essential jobs

In May of 2020, the unemployment rate lowered to almost 12 percent. Although that can be high due to the pandemic, it shows that the number is lowering because the economy is reopening. 

Although finding a job can be difficult, it should never discourage you from finding a job that you are passionate about. 

If you're wondering what essential job opportunities are out there during the COVID-19 pandemic, here's are 5 ways that can help you find essential jobs. 

1. Get On Social Media

If you're desperate for work, you should always try and ask friends and family on social media if they know of any work. They might know of someone who's looking to hire. 

In addition, asking on social media tells your friends and family you are looking for something. Even though they may not have something right away, at least they know you are looking when they do find something. 

You should also look on LinkedIn, in particular, because it is specifically designed for job searches

2. Research What Industries Are Thriving During the Pandemic

While some industries are not doing so well due to the pandemic, there are other businesses that thriving. 

For instance, a lot of e-commerce businesses are thriving because more people are shopping online instead of going to a physical store. If you figure out how to find a job at an e-commerce company, it can help find work during the pandemic. 

3. Show Flexible

Another strategy to consider is to add remote flexibility on your resume and cover letter. 

This particular strategy shows that you are flexible and willing to work anywhere remotely. It also shows you are willing to adapt to different working conditions. 

4. Attend Virtual Events

If possible, consider attending virtual events. With more job fairs online, it's a good idea to practice your video and remote interview skills. 

When you attend more events, you are putting yourself out there to meet more people, which can lead to getting an essential job.

5. Don't Be Picky

Lastly, it's important to look at essential job opportunities everywhere. That means everywhere; don't be picky. 

If you want a roof over your head and want to put a meal on the table, you should consider applying for every job, even if you are overqualified. It's better to land a job with some income than no job and no income.

If you want another way to look for jobs, you can use our search tool on our website

Why It's Important to be Aware of Essential Job Opportunities

It's important to be aware of essential job opportunities. Don't limit your search and don't be picky about what kind of work it is. The goal is to find an essential job that can help you make money again. 

With some persistence, you can land on your feet again. But it will take some research and commitment until you do find one. 

If you have questions about how to find a job, you can contact us here


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